Collier Township


Friday, June 28th, 2024,
from 5- 10 PM


Collier Park located at 5 Lobaugh Street

For more information,
please contact Assistant Manager, Dana Slizik at 412 279 2525 or
Director or Parks and Recreation Rob Shazer at 724-693-0780

Upcoming Events

What Makes Collier Township Special

Proud home of our nation’s Flag Day holiday, our community – Collier Township – was founded in June of 1875. In our second century, the Township of Collier prides itself in being one of the region’s best communities to live, work and raise a family.

Located six miles southwest of Pittsburgh, in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, Collier is readily accessible, having its own exit from Interstate 79. Close proximity to the City of Pittsburgh enhances Collier Township’s quality of life. Residents take advantage of the cultural, business and higher education opportunities of a larger city, while also enjoying Collier’s excellent public safety, many convenient shopping districts, well-maintained recreational facilities, and top-notch schools.

Our community covers a land area of 14.2 square miles and has a population of 7,817 residents. Collier Township is a community that has practiced good planning and open government. Through its dedicated public officials and well-trained staff Collier is a community that is solvent and rich with community spirit and history.